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contact the host:
medlem @ hastekasen.se

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Application will take 6-9 months

Suggestions for youth on how to write an EVS application to a host.

As a project leader in an upcoming EVS project I get a lot of applications.

The aim is to find someone that will benefit from the project, and create a mix of gender and ages, and nationality.

Here are some suggestions to improve your chances:

1) Always write a summary in the mail, not an empty mail with only attachments.

2) State your nationality clearly.

3) Understand that your name can be so exotic that it is not apparent if you are male or female, tell us.

4) In attachments limit yourself to a CV and a motivational letter.
Doc is Ok, PDF is better.

5) Always add photo. The people you apply to will see your face everyday - so they might as well get use to it directly.

6) Be aware that if you are dressed in a tie and suit in your photo and apply for EVS at a farm... it may take more arguments to explain why you want to get your hands dirty.

7) If you add a photo in attachment, always downscale it. Change the size to small, otherwise your nose will be as big as the screen.

8) If you use he same motivational letter in all your applications, you will be taken less seriously since it is apparent that you haven´t bothered to study the host organization and find your exclusive reasons for wanting to be with them. If its apparent that you have not read their webpage - why should they read your letter.

9) Don´t be shy with your weaknesses. The purpose is to give all kinds of people a chance to gain experiences. It is about your needs.

10) If you are applying for an EVS where accommodation is in a community, be more personal in your letter. We will all live together and personal chemistry is important.

11) If you for instance have chosen to study dance and art or economy, then explain why you are applying to an EVS with an NGO dealing with farming and outdoor activities. Maybe you are just looking for a new experiences, but explain your thoughts, how it fits into your life.

12) You know what you want from EVS, but ask yourself what does the Host want.